Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tulips are up!  Worked out in the yard this afternoon.  Took the Convertible out of the garage and washed her, then took it for a little spin love that car.  The Birds are singing, the deer are staying out of the yard with the Irish Spring being sprayed.  Dug my MP3 player out listen to my yard music as I started working a bed that I put off all of last fall. I so enjoyed the spring afternoon!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The calendar says spring, but the snow plow just went by the house.  Went to a meeting tonight and ended up on my soap box.  My friend asked for my opinion and I said I really don't think you want to hear it, the reply came back yes we do, so...the soap box came out! We will see if anybody really heard me.  The problem I have is my voice shakes when I am talking off the cuff and it sounds like I'm going to cry.  If I am prepared and have a speech in front of me I do fine. I wonder why that is?  Well I will hear the good, the bad, and the whatever, in the morning.  Think Spring!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Grandaughter thinks this is pretty funny!  Grandma is blogging!
She is not a follower but she is reading the posts.
Today was a hard day, pray for those who can't see the hurt that they cause, pray for those who can but don't care and pray for those who pick up the peices.
Back to homework!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ever wonder

Ever wonder why you are the way you are?  Every wonder if your view is just plain out of the loop with everyone else?  I do, I wonder if other people have travel the same path.  I have been called stuck up, I have had people say you are a strong women, I have had people say you are a judgmental B.. When I look in the mirror I do not see this.  I see a women who is 50 +.  My husband loves me I know this and it is my greatest comfort.  I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for school and can not wait to me some of my class mates.  I wonder when i finally finish if my path will be the one that God has planned for me, I hope so I have to pay off some student loans, who knew I would be so far in debt because I wanted to get my teaching certificate. I am having a hard time staying focused right now with the school wotk, I would like to blow it off but I have a grade point average that I do not want to blow, so I had better get back to it